» » How to update video card driver for Minecraft (TLauncher)

How to update video card driver for Minecraft (TLauncher)

Author: myadmin|24 comment|10489055 view | Date: 20-04-2016, 09:09
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How to update video card driver for Minecraft (TLauncher)

Maybe you have popping up error associated something with the video driver when you start loved Minecraft, then this article will help you for sure. This error may be caught using TLauncher, but the solution is there!

So can look like this error:

How to update video card driver for Minecraft (TLauncher)

Full text: Minecraft has closed due to old graphics card drivers. Please update them and retry.

If to explain in more detail, because old or not installed drivers for your graphics card the game may not principle the start. So flew this error. The solution is pretty obvious - update the graphics driver.

There are two main developer of graphics cards NVIDIA (GeForce) and AMD (Radeon). To start, you need to figure out from what manufacturer your video card.
Note: If you know one of the manufacturers of card - Palit, ASUS, MSI, Chaintech, Sapphire, it's a bit wrong, they still make graphics cards for AMD or NVIDIA.

How still to learn whose you video card?

1) Click start, type in search "dxdiag" and run this program.

How to update video card driver for Minecraft (TLauncher)

2) A window will Open in which you select the "Monitor" tab (Or maybe "Display").

How to update video card driver for Minecraft (TLauncher)
Figure 1. Dxdiag in the Monitor tab with NVIDIA

3) As seen in the figure 1 there are graphics cards from Nvidia.

3.1) If not using Windows, then:

4) Once you have decided on the manufacturer, you need to download a driver for one of them.

- Nvidia - Automatically - Manual.
- Intel - Automatically - Manual.

- Nvidia
- Intel

* We recommend you use a method with automatic search and install drivers, especially if you are not versed in all this.
Just like sometimes you can solve a lot problem, thank you for being with us!

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  • Comments:
    Danielpro99 5 November 2016 02:45
    don't work
    Sonic 10 June 2017 10:12
    У мене не працює через те що у мене 7 windows по друге К мене согосоь нема изготовителя (ну я так думаю што через ето к меня неработает)
    demon 22 September 2017 02:24
    I was having problems with the launcher reporting my Intel drivers were too old, however it turns out the problem was actually the fact I was using the latest version of Java! Uninstalling and reverting to JRE 8.51 worked. You can get this from https://www.java64.net/ or https://www.java32bit.com/.
    Gigica12 7 November 2017 03:57
    hi guys i have a intel driver and my tlauncher didint work pls help me hury you can
    lel 22 December 2017 07:36
    i tried this, and keep apearing the same error. i've tried automatically and manually
    IJustAPerson 23 January 2018 07:55
    don work intel card
    lipton 5 April 2019 03:08
    dosent work
    otvnavarro14 20 June 2019 08:08
    el problema es que el juego no quiere entrar cuando le doy enter que hago
    ErbeJava 13 August 2019 13:37
    Just uninstall Java, and start the T Launcher Installer again. It´ll mention that you need Java, and will ask for your permits to download it. This way, the installer will search the adequate Java, and it won´t be hard for you.

    Solo desinstalen Java, e inicien de nuevo el instalador de TLauncher. Les indicará que necesita Java y te pedirá permisos para descargarla. Así, el instalador buscara el java adecuado, y no les será tan difícil.
    OmegaFireMaster 22 September 2019 20:35
    My manufacturer feature says (Standar Screen Type) what can i do with that?
    jerman 26 September 2019 14:37
    valla en realidad no se que decir tengo dos pc pero en realidad en una me funciono y en la otra no pero igual tengo minecraft en una

    angrySI winkedWTF cryingOMG winkYEA
    soulblack123 21 November 2019 19:27
    me dice fabricante:(tipos de pantalla estandar) que es
    papaletoc 20 February 2020 21:46
    no me deja entrar a minecraft cuando le doy a entrar que ago?
    Dyonnh 8 December 2020 10:31
    mano, já atualizei o driver e fiz todo o possivel com o as versoes do java, o mine ainda não abre, eu sinceramente não sei mais o que fazer
    alio6008 2 March 2021 18:56
    se me salio en medio de un servidor y me dijo algo de una targeta de vido en resumen NO ENTENDI NADA asique me voi a myr4r 4n1m3
    Anetawadeuwu 29 May 2021 20:45
    cuando le pico a entrar me manda aka jaja ayuda
    Naohao Tingala 20 July 2021 03:43
    If you can load up Minecraft (Optifine Version) but for some reason you can't load up a world and in the error files you can see it's crashing due to the shaders, you can easily fix it by going to the shaders options BEFORE you load up a world, then you press [OFF] rather than "Internal". It should work and the optifine should work as well. :D
    CryStlly 29 November 2021 11:02
    Nu imi merge minecraft
    CoreMC_ 16 February 2022 11:44
    If you have errors when entering Minecraft, install opengl32.dll from a video and put the file in:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_51\bin

    After in

    and finally in

    I recommend looking for the driver of your graphics card for your windows system

    amd windows 7

    Si tienen errores al entrar al Minecraft instalen opengl32.dll desde un video y pongan el archivo en:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_51\bin

    Despues en

    y por ultimo en

    Recomiendo buscar el controlador de su tarjeta grafica para tu sistema de windows

    AMD windows 7
    Ruby 4 March 2022 22:52
    its not working this is just a lie to get many view of site what
    marsjanie2 18 January 2023 08:33
    intel driver instalation requires installing microsoft .net first, however it is not true (I installed it and still the same). next time try to give some helpful help.
    Warlord66 17 November 2023 19:41
    Si funcionó smile
    tahaaaa 20 February 2024 11:28
    if you came here from tlauncher click here option
    this dosent work but dont worry the solution is to just simply instead of downloading the modded versions (optifine'forged'etc.) just download the "release" version (normal one)
    dont worry it wont consume that data if youve downloaded one of them alreadyit will take about 3MB
    Entidade dois 29 March 2024 17:37
    Tenho um problema, tenho 2 visualizadores, "Visualização 1" (Intel corporation) e "Visualização 2" (NVIDIA), tenho de baixar as duas atualizações?
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