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Stackie for Minecraft 1.7.2

Author: redfox|0 comment|2396 view | Date: 7-02-2015, 14:29
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Stackie for Minecraft 1.7.2

Stackie - the most convenient mod for those who love order, both in life and in the game. In minecraft the game developers did not see the fact that there are scattered items that, for example, mined or worse they are cooked in boiling lava, after falling into the lava, these items are not already available. And so, what to do? You only need to use this mod, it will immediately bring your game up and you will be quite easy to make the order in the game minecraft. You no longer have to collect the scattered things from different angles, now they will be all together in one square on the ground, you will just need to pick up all these items.

The order should be in everything, even this detail is very important. Downloading and installing this mod will take you a few minutes, but benefit from it quite a lot. Now all you extracted resources and felled trees will fall into one pile and never get into boiling lava. You will only have to collect all the things. When you break the chest, all the things will be in the same square, it is very convenient and practical.

1. Install Minecraft Forge.
2. To download the mod.
3. Go to the folder minecraft/mods.
4. Drag the downloaded jar (zip) file.

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