Minecraft 1.8.7 Download
1 comment|38528 view | Date: 19-07-2016, 15:24

As one would expect, the developers have pleased us with a new version with interesting additions, and as usual has released a fix update. Many of these versions don't like, because what's the point to upgrade for a few fixed bugs. And we, like those who report to the masses about Minecraft in the Internet, also slightly disappointed, because this exciting update has to wait quite a long time. Of course you can understand the developers need to quickly fix some serious bugs and they have to substitute players because nothing is impossible.
Release date Minecraft 1.8.7: June 5, 2015.
What corrections can boast version Minecraft 1.8.7:
- Packs resource packs could not be cleaned after use.
- Packets with resource-packs could continue to boot even after you disconnect from the server.
- Problems with encoding in Unicode with the Turkish language.
- Tablets could cause a crash.
Not so big changes, isn't it? But if you are playing with version 1.8 by 1.8.6, then you can safely download Minecraft 1.8.7. and play with any mods and saved previous versions, because they are fully compatible with each other.
It is not necessary to hope that the next version will add many new things, probably also fixes but we as loyal players believe in and hope for the best!!!
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