Minecraft 1.7.4 Download
0 comment|104265 view | Date: 17-03-2015, 12:25

Following the tradition, Mojang releases a new update that fixes purely bugs. This time, a new version of Minecraft 1.7.4. That is to say, changes a lot, read about them below, but many go on it, because it will be the last. Don't forget that Minecraft 1.7.2 is an exact copy of this version, only with bugs. So you can move safely, saving will remain, mods will quickly appear.
Release date: 10.12.2013.
- Added broadcast on Twitch.tv.
For use, you must associate the account with Mojang Twitch.tv (Naturally you need a Licensed Minecraft), so go at https://account.mojang.com/me/settings and click on "Connect to Twitch account". Then during the game for the start of the stream, press F6. (Only works on Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8; Mac OS X Lion (10.7 and above)

- Added new mob - Zombie rider.
Is a little zombie on the chicken. Is extremely rare! Features: Fast moves, receives no damage when falling from a height, may be located on the sun. To call the command "/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {IsBaby:1,Riding:{id:Chicken}}" (Without the quotes).

- a New Mojang logo at startup.

- New music.
- a New Shader.
Fixed bugs:
- Some texts cannot be translated in the language file.
- Incorrect display Unicode in full screen mode.
- Incorrect display of Unicode when the load on the Polish language (and other languages Unicode font).
Players become invisible and are immune to damage after death and restart the game.
- No icon workbench when you start the game on Windows.
- Much more...
There is already a newer version: Minecraft 1.7.5.
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