Advance Time for Minecraft 1.7.2
AdvanceTime - mod that changes the list of commands and expand the possibilities file...

Fungi Craft for Minecraft 1.7.2
If you are a player who wants to test himself in the field of genetic engineering, or you just have nothing to do during the game...

Auto Item Replacer for Minecraft 1.7.2
Auto Item Replacer is a mod that will become unrealistic useful for the players, but once it's installed you won't be thinking about deleting...

Fullscreen Windowed for Minecraft 1.7.2
Fullscreen Windowed mod, removing restrictions on the size of the image...

Rainbow Xp for Minecraft 1.7.2
Fans of bright colors and diversity should be palatable mod for minecraft Rainbow Xp, which will add to your world in the game rainbow balls...

Toggle Rack for Minecraft 1.7.2
Mod Toggle Rack for minecraft can be considered very unusual, since we get the strange ability to set fire to the stone...

HoloInventory for Minecraft 1.7.2
If you want to take advantage of all the opportunities that can offer us mods for minecraft, the first thing is to install a modification HoloInventory...

Realistic Pain for Minecraft 1.7.2
Minecraft is definitely a great game, however, it lacks some of the effects that would have significantly improved the gameplay...

The Herobrine Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2
Many people know about the horrible monster Herobrine, which entails a lot of misery and death...

Fishing Nets for Minecraft 1.7.2
If you like to fish in minecraft, mod of Fishing Nets will be very helpful for you, as it adds to your game world is not only a new fish, but also a unique opportunity for fishing...