TF2 Crates for Minecraft 1.8

TF2 Crates for Minecraft 1.8

TF2 Crates - upgrade to version Minecraft 1.8. The new update, which has a focus on the theme of the game "Team Fortess 2"...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|3220 views
MrCrayfish’s Furniture for Minecraft 1.8

MrCrayfish’s Furniture for Minecraft 1.8

Quite famous mods among players of minecraft called MrCrayfish''s Furniture. This addition could very well transform your game for the better...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|4551 views
Gammabright for Minecraft 1.8

Gammabright for Minecraft 1.8

We present you a very famous addition - Gammabright, which did finally released for game version 1.8. The essence of this modification is very clear and understandable...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|5572 views
Inventory Tweaks for Minecraft 1.8

Inventory Tweaks for Minecraft 1.8

Many players of minecraft sign this mod, especially those who vkurse different mods, and practice in their setting...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|2615 views
Iron Chests for Minecraft 1.8

Iron Chests for Minecraft 1.8

Many of you are tired of standard chests in the game minecraft, because they rather have the standard functionality that is not what is not notable...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|3810 views
Wonderful Wands for Minecraft 1.8

Wonderful Wands for Minecraft 1.8

A rather unusual mods, called - Wonderful Wands that will transform your game. You will now be able to use in your game, magic wand or what he calls the author of this add - rods...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|4232 views
Auto Sapling for Minecraft 1.8

Auto Sapling for Minecraft 1.8

We present to your attention the mod - Auto Sapling, which will greatly simplify learnsto, and will do so that you don't need to worry about shortage of wood...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|3592 views
Ingame Username Change for Minecraft 1.8

Ingame Username Change for Minecraft 1.8

One of the useful add-ons, which appeared recently...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|5591 views
Material Detector for Minecraft 1.8

Material Detector for Minecraft 1.8

Now if you have any difficulties in search of ore, then mod - Material Detector you very well help. With mind, setting this Supplement you will not notice a difference, both in terms of Gambela and the game overall...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|2595 views
BreedingViewer for Minecraft 1.7.2

BreedingViewer for Minecraft 1.7.2

BreedingViewer is a useful mod for those users who want to start farming in minecraft...

Author: redfox|0 Comments|2314 views